–Cause Cancer Cell to Apoptosis
Apoptosis is a genetically programmed cell-destruct mechanisms. When cancer cells are stimulated by some means, cancer cells self-destruct mechanism is triggered to cause apoptosis.
If the DNA of human healthy cells were damaged by carcinogenic substances or reactive oxygen leading to uncontrollable cell split, they will be transformed to cancer cells. Though Fucoidan has the ability to induce cancer cell apoptosis, is Fucoidan able to exterminate cancer cells to stop spreading to other parts of the body? Many scholars and medical doctors have been doing in-depth studies and tests on multiple types of cancer with Fucoidan. For many cancers, Fucoidan has an inhibitory effect on tumor cell growth. Since 1996, the Japanese Cancer Society publishes the research reports annually.
Here is a brief case description on Dr. Fujii’s laboratory experiments done in Kagoshima University. (Source of information: Japan NPO Fucoidan Research Institute). The cancer cells used for the experiment were HL60 (promyelocytic leukemia cancer cells) and NOS4 (cultured human ovarian cancer cells). Each cancer cell cultivated unit were separately added with “Fucoidan extract” from sea kelp and Nemacystus decipieus, as well as with enhanced immune function of the “fungal extract”, to test various ability of components to induce apoptosis (DNA fragmentation).
When cancer cells apoptosis, the phenomenon of cancer cell DNA fragmentation occurs. This phenomenon of fragmentation is the evidence of cell death.
The DNA of cancer cells were collected after a suitable period of time in the experiment. The samples of cancer cells were subjected to a process to measure its quantity by electrophoresis, and then calculating the degree of cell fragments.
From the experimental results, the use of fungal extract did not find the ability to induce apoptosis; while Fucoidan showed a remarkable and high degree of inducing any kind of cancer apoptosis ability. Furthermore, comparing the Fucoidan extracted from kelp and Nemacystus decipieus, the Fucoidan extracted from Nemacystus decipieus has more obvious inducing cancer cell apoptosis capabilities.
Thus, Fucoidan extracted from Nemacystus decipieus can target the cancer cells, and play a strong cancer cell apoptotic effect, causing the bad cancer cells to self-destruct.
–Inhibit Cancer Cell Angiogenesis
The suppression of new blood vessel growth is the inhibition of cancer cell angiogenesis. In the initial stage, the cancer cells grow at a fixed rate. When their size reaches at 2 mm in diameter, their growth rate will accelerate. The growth and metastasis of cancer cells requires nutrients and oxygen. When supplied with these, new Cancer Cell Angiogenesis will occur. Once the cancer cells have new blood vessel growth around them, they will have the ability to spread to other parts of the body via the blood circulation system. Thus, if we can suppress the formation of new Cancer Cell Angiogenesis, the cancer cells will not be able to receive nutrients and oxygen supply, and the cancer cells will be stopped from spreading to another location.
Researchers find and confirm Fucoidan have its unique property to suppress new Cancer Cell Angiogenesis. It will target and block the cancer cells and metastasis supply, thus impeding angiogenesis, and inhibiting cancer cell reproduction and metastasis.
–Enhance Immunity
Fucoidan is beneficial to the human body in boosting the immune system and modulating powers – is helpful in preventing illnesses, via the increased in NK cell activity, and strengthen the attack on cancer cells.
After conducting various experiments and case studies, many independent researchers reported cases of Fucoidan helps to eliminate or reduce the size of tumors. They concluded that the vast majority of cancer patients have their immunity enhanced after the Fucoidan intake.
In addition, Fucoidan can also strengthen the production of lymphatic soluble substances (IL-12) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ). The production of interleukin-12 from macrophages or B cells helps activating the T and NK cells, thereby strengthening the fight against cancer cells. Furthermore, fucoidan also can activate the production of interferon γ via T cells or NK cells.